Walk By Faith.

2 KINGS 5:14

“Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan,  according to the saying of, the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.”

The Bible tells us that without faith, it is impossible to please God. Faith is knowing what the Bible says, believing what the Bible says, and then onto actually doing what the Bible says. We just read in the scripture above that the man heard, then obeyed and received; from the Lord – healing. God’s word is full of actions that receive results. The word here; is action. Action is a person in motion; moving forward and doing what God has instructed.

An example of faith; is Abraham. God went to Abraham and told him to leave his father’s house, and go out unto a place he didn’t know. Abraham had the word of God; meaning Abraham heard what God wanted him to do, and then Abraham acted on that word; by forward movement. Many people claim they have faith. But if we do not have forward movement in our “faith” we are fooling ourselves. The Bible tells us that faith without works is – dead.

Are you alive, or are you dead? Look at your life. Do you get your instructions from God, or from the latest news and cultural ideas? Do you follow the leading of the Lord, or the leading and example of mankind? We will never have what God wants for us, going down the lazy river with the gang. We must come apart and hear from God, write down his plan for our life; and let him lead us day by day, month by month and year by year. Then one day we will have a God inspired entity and/or work that God has designed, built and fashioned together with us; to help aide humanity; in the Kingdom assignment he had for us.

It takes courage and total trust in God; to go with God and a life of faith instead of; low risk human idea’s. Let go today of the old life, and begin again with God. He is always ready for the adventure.

What is God asking you to do, that involves great courage?






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